So much fun with the Miops Splash. A device for managing waterdrops and controlling the camera or flash. With the supplied cable it is possible to control a flash unit with a standard 3.5mm jack. The godox ad200 and godox tt685 have both this connection so it was easy to setup for a first try.

After a lot of watching on youtube, reading and trying it’s getting better and better. I also found a cable to trigger the my Olympus omdem1m2 and canon eos 7d. They both have a 2.5mm jack for remote trigger. The Miops Splash also has a 2.5mm for controlling the camera. After this setup it was much easier. The trigger the miops with my phone also triggered the camera (and the flash trigger, godox x1t-o or -c) and the flash.

A short howto on IGTV:
Some tips: try different heights, use xantham gom it will make the waterdrops better, use milk or food color, clean the miops splash after use. With clear water or x-rain, this is also perfect for the nozzle it releases the tension of the water drop. For flash use rear (2e) curtain. Also fun to use color gels and different backdrops