Kleuren film ontwikkelen

Na enkele zwart/wit ilford 120rolfilm was het nu the eens tijd voor een kleurenfilm. Kodak portra 400 in dit geval. Hiervoor heb ik de Lubitel 2 Tlr camera gebruikt.

Kodak portra 400, zelf ontwikkeld

Voor bovenstaande foto heb ik 1 studio flitser gebruilt, de Godox ad600. Deze werd getriggerd door een godox externe flitser met een pc-sync aansluiting gekoppeld aan de lubitel. De AD600 stond op optisch trigger en werkte prima. Lichtmeting was ook mogelijk en ook gebruikt, met een sekonic 308.

Nadat ik 10 fotos, van 6×6 had geschoten was het tijd om ze te ontwikkelen. Dit procoes moet met een goede temperatuur gebeuren. Bij 30graden is het ongelijk 8min c41 developer, 6min fixeer, 1 min reinigen met water en 1 min stabiliseren. Het resultaat was, zeker voor een eerste keer naar tevredenheid. Dus ga ik zeker dus vaker doen.

Lubitel2, kodak portra400 en zelf ontwikkeld

Interesting pages photography and edit

On this page you will find some interesting locations to improve your photography skills and/or photoshop skills

For photoshop
PixImperfect youtube channel : https://youtube.com/c/PiXimperfect

For home (studio) photography
Frank Doorhof, dutch photographer (creative portrait)
Yotube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/FrankDoorhof

Gavin Hoey explaines a lot, also olympus guy, from adorama.
Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/c/GavinHoey

Beyond Photography from Malaysia, with a lot of tutorials about technic
Yotube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBeyondPhotography

Daniel Norton with studio light (Onset)
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DanielNortonPhotographer/featured

Robin Wong, Olympus visionair from Malaysia
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/robinwong

Lubitel 2 TLR

I got my hands on an old Russian camera, a Lubitel 2. Build 1955-1970). This is a medium format camera using 120 rollfilm, with a 6×6 format it is possible to shoot 12 photos.

Specifications, 75mm F4.5, manual aperture 4.5-xx, shutterspeed bulb, 1/5 – 1/250. Timer function 12seconds. A TLR – Twin Lens Reflex camera. Perfect to shoot from the hip.

Because i wanted to know the quality of the camera i bought an Ilford hp5 plus iso400 film and shoot some different situations, inside, outside and flash (synch speed 1/15)

The results are very good.

Ilford hp5plus iso 400 1/30 F4.5 scan with epson v500

scanning film with Epson v600

Recently I was scanning 35mm film with my camera. It is a perfect way, and i think with more detail. But it was time consuming and i needed some good software to convert negatives to positives.

I found a Epson V600 scanner, which has the possibility to scan film, positive and negative, 35mm and 120 rolfilm.

My experience so far: it’s a lot faster with the epson scan software.
It seems to take some time, you need to pre scan and adust every image before you make the final scan. But when that’s done the scan proces is easy. Just one click and all negatives are scanned and stored.

This is an example from a Kodak Safety Film 5062 ( http://www.taphilo.com/Photo/kodakfilmnumxref.shtml ) Kodak PLUS-X Pan.

kodak PLUS-X Pan, 5062, scanned with Epson v600 and default epson scan software 3.9.3

When owning a Epson V600 (or V550) you can download Silverfast 8.8 SE software. When you need to scan negatives with more acurate color or difficult colors, it’s better to use this sofware. And by entering the serial number of your scanner you can get de Special Edition for free. Which is good enough. The Pro version has more/better options to restore old photos with some AI technology. But again, removing scratches and dust is also possible with Photoshop.

At first I had some trouble using the scanner, After 2 or 3 scans, the software crashed and reported the scanner was not connected? But now after 250 scans, i don’t have this issue anymore.