Lubitel 2 TLR

I got my hands on an old Russian camera, a Lubitel 2. Build 1955-1970). This is a medium format camera using 120 rollfilm, with a 6×6 format it is possible to shoot 12 photos.

Specifications, 75mm F4.5, manual aperture 4.5-xx, shutterspeed bulb, 1/5 – 1/250. Timer function 12seconds. A TLR – Twin Lens Reflex camera. Perfect to shoot from the hip.

Because i wanted to know the quality of the camera i bought an Ilford hp5 plus iso400 film and shoot some different situations, inside, outside and flash (synch speed 1/15)

The results are very good.

Ilford hp5plus iso 400 1/30 F4.5 scan with epson v500

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